Reach Out

None of us lives alone on an island. Somehow we are all connected with each other. Our actions or omissions not only influence the immediate circumstances of our lives but also the lives of others. If we want to live in a better world, we must act responsibly towards our environment and the community in which we live.

Nowadays we have the opportunity to engage socially responsible in myriad ways. We can either invest time and/or money in a project that’s dear to our heart. Since our resources, time or money, are always limited, the engagement doesn’t depend on their dimensions, but on any kind of involvement.

My experiences in this area span from volunteer work to financial support of different organizations. And I must conclude that I not only have learned form these experiences, but also positively evolved.

Organizations close to my heart are for example Human Rights Watch and World Vision. Both organizations’ goal is to support people on a worldwide scale to better their conditions. We’re all in the same boat.


© 2007 Ute Medley. All rights reserved.