Archive for the 'Symbolism' Category

Content on Patreon

Sunday, April 26th, 2020

For more than 20 years I have been devoting myself to the task of understanding numbers with their inherent properties and their subtle connection with daily events in our lives and then to pass this knowledge and new knowledge on to everyone. For years I have invested enormous time, thoughts, love and resources in this mission […]

Energetic Fields – Virus / Coronavirus

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

“Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul within.” ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson Has it ever occurred to you that certain events in our lives point to a hidden message that should be exposed and possibly lead us to make changes? Like many others, I am affected by current events related to the […]


Monday, March 19th, 2018

NUMBER FORTY-FOUR I’m the number forty-four I’m quite independent I’m also very rare I’m a strengthening ingredient I’m very firm I’m a fortifier and protector I’m useful in electrical processes I’m also an effective catalyst I’m very resistant to wear © Mar 19, 2018 MUSE (Ute Sonja Elisabeth Medley)


Friday, March 9th, 2018

NUMBER THIRTY-THREE I’m the number thirty-three I’m needed in trace quantities I convert easily from solid to airy I’m a very strong opposing agent I participate in strong conflicts I make my presence quite obvious I contribute in small amounts to growth I’m even a strengthening agent I’m part of the backbone © Mar 8, […]


Thursday, March 8th, 2018

ENTITY ‘GOVERNMENT’ I’m an entity with broad impact—nationally and internationally. My numerical value is number seven and number ten is the underlying support structure of my entity. Nurturing and wholeness are the hallmarks of my existence. And yes, there are times when my entity itself is under attack, not to say ‘out of control and […]


Wednesday, March 7th, 2018

NUMBER TWENTY-TWO I’m the number twenty-two I team up with others I facilitate mobility and improvement I function well as a complementary force I serve as a regulatory ingredient I’m a lightweight with high strength I’m very resistant in corrosive environments I play an important role in structural reinforcements I change an object’s conditions for […]


Tuesday, March 6th, 2018

NUMBER ELEVEN I’m the number eleven I incorporate dual power I’m an electrical charge I’m functioning as a unifier but also separator I’m very reactive I’m a facilitator in essential processes I’m a regulatory and balancing force I readily connect to contribute to stability I’m adding strength but even exhibit ambivalence in conflicts © Mar […]


Monday, March 5th, 2018

NUMBERS Numbers fulfill a very subtle purpose: Constitution of organizing principle. Behind every pattern is a structure, which Can be expressed in terms of numbers. If you know the primal significance of Specific numbers, you can understand better How the pattern fits into certain manifestations. Numbers are universal templates Serving the universal creation process. © […]

New Website ‘ART & POEMS’

Monday, May 4th, 2015

Working, learning, evolving. In recent weeks I was busy updating my web sites and, and I even designed a new website where I display my poems and art creations in a structured manner. All my activities serve to manifest my destiny number and my artistic work is also part of it. Gradually, […]


Monday, March 9th, 2015

Completed the work on my website With time I’ll add more pages with relevant info about numbers and patterns to this site, but for the moment this website is finalized. If you know people interested in this subject, please inform them of my website. Next, I’ll create a new website for my poems, art, […]