Crest Night Effects – Part VIII

On Tuesday, 22nd February, I drove at around 10 AM to Seattle for my appointment at the UW dental clinic. In the early morning I had talked to my sister Christiane. She had given me some information that I had asked her to research for me. I’ll come back to this research at a later time when I’ll talk about troublesome or unsettling experiences at medical clinics here in the Seattle area. That morning my conversation with her was brief because I had to get ready for the appointment at the UW dental clinic.

When I arrived at the oral medicine department, I was asked to fill out a lot of paperwork including a questionnaire about ‘pain for different aches.’ It not only took a long time to fill out the questionnaire of about 10 pages, I actually was astonished why I was obligated to fill out this questionnaire. But I answered the questions because I wasn’t correctly informed by the reception clerk and in my opinion transferred to the wrong department within the dental clinic, but I shall find this out at a later time.

Before the desk employee handed me the questionnaire she told me that my medical insurance covers the cost, but I would have to pay my deductible of $250.00. At that time I had insurance, again, therfore I presented her my insurance card.

While filling out the questionnaire I had an interesting conversation with an elderly man who was accompanied by a younger man and/or sat next to him. He reminded my of a person I knew because of his name. He told me that he had a daughter who did some volunteer work with her husband in Honduras, and he was pretty proud of her.

After I had finished filling out my questionnaire I was led into an area where patients are examined. A Chinese woman showed up with a digital camera and she, too, asked me some questions. I told her that Crest Night Effects had damaged my teeth and I had been told to consult with a UW physician who should examine the case to confirm that Crest Night Effects had caused the damage to my teeth.

After I had answered her questions she insisted on taking a picture of me. She stated that they needed it for their file. I actually didn’t like how she acted while taking the picture. She acted in a condescending way towards me.

After she had taken one picture of me I asked her to let me review it. She showed me the picture and I didn’t like it. Therefore I asked her to take another shot. After I had reviewed the second one I asked her to delete the first picture while I was present. And her reply was “I don’t know how to do that. I don’t want to screw it up.” And she told me that she’d do it later.

At this moment my alarm bells should have gone off telling me that something was seriously wrong here. In a way they went off because I felt very uncomfortable being treated this way and how she handled this situation. Additionally, later I felt violated in my rights to be treated with respect. I know I didn’t deserve this kind of treatment and anything what followed thereafter because I had acted properly.

I’ll describe the encounter with the UW physician, Dr. G., and other important matters relating to this story in other posts to maintain transparency and not to confuse the different issues.

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