Injuries after preventive medical checkup – Part X

After having visited different physicians including a gastroenterologist on May 9, 2005 and having different lab tests done, I received from an investigation company, ordered by my insurance company, a letter inquiring whether someone else is responsible for paying the medical bills. I wish I could have told them that someone else is responsible. But the physicians I had contacted either had shrugged off the problem or told me that they thought that the x-ray machines had not caused the damage.

I know that I had been perfectly healthy before I underwent these two preventive procedures: mammogram and DEXA scan. Since the nail of my thumb had been burnt and the DEXA scanner had been close to my thumb, I believe now that the damage occurred during the DEXA scan procedure, but I didn’t have the proof neither then nor now.

Though the symptoms are gone, I don’t know what kind of effect this will have on my body in the future. And besides being sick for almost a half-year and feeling very uncomfortable because of not knowing how this had happened, I was additionally punished by paying always these $20.00 co-payments per doctor visit and for lab tests. But the worst part was being sick and nobody cared to investigate why this had happened.

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